Mund-, Kiefer- & Gesichts-, Plastische & Rekonstruktive Chirurgie
Complex foot trauma: amputation versus reconstruction – Clinical evaluation and long-term quality of life
Retrospective cross sectional study comparing amputation versus extremity reconstruction in patients with complax foot trauma. This study focusses on the clinical outcome and quality of life applying the followings scores and questionnaires: Foot and Ankle Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire SF 36, Body Image Quality of Life Inventory (BIQI), Foot and Ankle Disability Index (FADI) and Foot Function Index (FFI).
Cooperation: Center for Musculosketal Surgery, Charité – Medical University Berlin
Long-term clinical results and quality of life in patients undergoing autologous fat transplantation for breast augmentation using the BEAULI Protocol
Prosepective study on clinical outcome and patients‘ satsifaction and quality of life after breast augmentation with autologous fat transfer.
Cooperation: University of Lübeck, Park-Klinik Birkenwerder
Observations along a six weeks course of Atemtherapy by Music Students
Music students use atemtherapy to treat or prevent musculoskeletal complaints and disorders (MCD) and performance anxiety, the evidence is still sparse. In this prospective study we measure changes along and after atemtherapy on objective and subjective stress related parameters in a musical students.
Cooperation: Berlin Center for Musicians Medicine (BCMM), The Royal Swedish Academy of Music Stockholm
Breast Implant Illness
In a prospective study patients’ satisfaction and quality of life is evaluated comparing before versus after breast implant removal with and without additional autologous fat transfer.
Cooperation: Charité – Medical University Berlin, Park-Klinik Birkenwerder
Treatment and outcome of burn injuries in Nepal
In a cross sectional retrospective study burn patients treated in the Nepal Cleft and Burn Center are evaluated regarding the severity of injury and outcome.
Cooperation: The Nepal Cleft and Burn Center Kathmandoo, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)